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This report explores both the nexus (small n), as a way of programming, and the HDP Nexus approach (capital N) also called the Triple Nexus, as the approach promoted by the UN and OECD/ DAC, to include necessary ways organizations must work together to be able to o!er programming that achieves our desired impacts.

In the early hours of the morning of 24 May 2013, a group of South Sudanese vigilantes attacked the town of Obo in the Central African Republic (CAR), having covered the distance of 100 km from the South Sudan/CAR border to Obo on foot. An unprovoked international attack in violation of CAR’s sovereignty could be interpreted as an act of aggression under international law. At the least, one would expect subsequent diplomatic frostiness between the…

This paper examines how land governance – or the rules, processes, and structures through which decisions are made about access to land and its use, the manner in which the decisions are implemented and enforced, and the way that competing interests in land are managed – has interacted with the conflict in South Sudan. A theme running through the paper is that control over decisions relating to land, as much as control over the land…

The surge in acute food insecurity due to conflict calls for sound evidence-based policy-making. Unfortunately, the knowledge on behaviors of households when they face a food shortage in these situations is under-reported in the literature. The paper contributes to the covering of this gap by presenting the food consumption and livelihood-based coping mechanisms used by households in Western Bahr el Ghazal in South Sudan, distinguishing between rural areas and the Wau Protection of Civilian camp….

African borderlands – such as those between South Sudan, Uganda and Congo – are often presented by analysts as places of agency and economic opportunity, in contrast to hardened, securitized borders elsewhere. We emphasize, however, that even such relatively porous international borders can nevertheless be the focus of significant unease for borderland communities. Crossing borders can enable safety for those fleeing conflict or trading prospects for business people, but it can also engender anxieties around…

This article examines the provision of basic education services after the end of the Second Sudanese Civil War in 2005, focusing on the condition of the services and its implications for national cohesion during the period after the birth of the South Sudanese state. It argues that the way basic education services were provided after the Second Sudanese Civil War has contributed to the trajectory of inequality that characterised the period before the onset of…

This study examined how good governance could be a means to peaceful co-existence in Eastern Equatoria State, South Sudan. The study was anchored on three theories of; good governance, collaborative governance and democratic peace.  The key findings of the study were that bad governance and poor leadership hinder peaceful coexistence, participation of citizens in decision making processes, awareness of citizens in existing policies and legislations, the rule of law, and use of available resources to…

This memo summarizes observations and conclusions from the Conflict Research Programme/World Peace Foundation research on the political marketplace framework and humanitarian crises. It draws upon seven country-specific case studies (Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria and Yemen) and on theoretical and cross-cutting analysis. Its primary focus is on food insecurity and famine, though other forms of humanitarian crisis (for instance, displacement) are also considered. Download

This article draws on empirical data collected in Yei River County, South Sudan, to contribute to debates on hybrid governance in Africa. Current literature offers a limited understanding of the practical workings of hybridity, and particularly of whether and under what circumstances hybridity may meet the interests and solve the problems of citizens. This article discusses how subsequent historical attempts at state-building have left a complex and layered governance system and analyses how this system…

This ‘Lessons Learned’ Paper combines a narrative section with the peacebuilding principles that the team has identified through the process. The narrative element below deliberately also takes the updates as they were written at the time, rather than re-editing after the fact. Whilst this makes for a less flowing narrative, it allows another angle of engagement for the reader; seeing what the team was emphasising as the process iterated. The hope is that, collectively, this…

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