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The opening and closing speeches of Dr. John Garang at the first SPLM Convention in 1994 presents and discusses different models for statehood. Found in the Sudan Open Archive.

The articles in this book, collectively, address certain aspects of the processes of the first half of the second civil war (1983 – 1992) from economic, historical, political and sociological viewpoints. While the civil war in the South occupies a large space, the focus is more on the processes that are common to the country as a whole. Download

Africa Watch conducted field research in south Sudan in June and July 1993 to gather information about rules of  war violations in the conflict. The following is a preliminary report of findings and recommendations to the United  Nations, the United States, the international community and all sides to the conflict for ending abuses.

This article reviews the Sudanese political developments in the 1980s, thereby observing a shift from reluctant acceptance of those with different beliefs or ethnic background, to a political culture of intolerance. Link to publication

This report explores food need and production capability in rural areas of South Sudan in 1990.      

By comparing the 1929-36 period with preceding and succeeding periods of great environmental stress, this article (1989) discerns a pattern of developing interdependence between contiguous Nuer and Dinka groups, as each sought the resources of the other in reconstructing their economic lives. Link to publication

NUER courts and court procedure are an innovation of the Anglo-Egyptian government.’ It was a necessary innovation, according to administrators, because of the lack of institutionally authoritative figures among the Nuer, or of an ‘organised political body’ which met regularly, could enforce its decisions, and could therefore maintain public order.The government chose the parallel courses of tradition – administering a law derived from Nuer custom – and innovation – establishing institutions and procedures which were…

This article is an attempt to examine a number of interrelated factors which can be cited to account for the relative failure of evangelical Christianity in three pastoral, Nilotic-speaking communities of the southern Sudan, the Dinka, Nuer, and Atuot. The social context of missions was largely created by the British colonial presence, so that it is best to understand missionary efforts in thaflight. At the same time, it can be argued, the colonial administration fostered…

This article from 1983 summarizes the experience leading up to the 1981 Local Government Act, and examines the extent to which the new legislation offers an effective structure. The finance of local government, a recurrent problem in the Sudan, emerges as a critical issue, together with the future role of the Provincial Commissioner. Link to publication

This article from 1981 provides a historical account of decentralisation policies in Sudan. Link to publication

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