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This paper sheds light on the extent to which land use policy has contributed to the vulnerability of otherwise better-off sections of rural people in the Horn, viz. the pastoralists. The report refers to Sudan including then Southern Sudan. Download

This book is required reading for anyone concerned with the condition of Sudan and the horror of the civil war. It is an authoritative personal story by one of the chief actors, giving an account of his struggle to contain a tragedy which has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands and brought starvation to millions. Link to the publication

Exposition of the state of customary laws in the Dinka and Azande communities of Southern Sudan. The case studies are set in the period of the civil war that broke out in 1983, and include cases of the SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army) soldiers interacting with the local populations.

The process of liberation in south Sudan has been rocky since 1955. Successive governments in Khartoum have broken promises and agreements relating to governance of the south, and the northern establishment has manipulated the situation to perpetuate northern hegemony, and to speed up the process of Islamisation in the south. This study from an activist in the politics of liberation in the south addresses relevant issues such as the objectives of the armed struggle, and…

The purpose of this book is to document some of the famine crimes committed in Sudan, as well as to evaluate relief programmes and to identify political conditions that create famine or make its prevention possible.

Through the pioneering efforts of the famed British anthropologist E. E. Evans-Pritchard, the Nuer of southern Sudan have become one of anthropology’s most celebrated case studies. Now Sharon Hutchinson combines fresh ethnographic evidence and contemporary theoretical perspectives to show not only what has happened to the Nuer since their 1930s encounters with Evans-Pritchard, but, more importantly, what is to be gained from a thoroughly historicized treatment of ethnographic materials. Hutchinson’s work provides a vision for…

This paper was presented during the symposium East African Age Systems in Transition: Contemporary Political and Military Contexts held from 28 November – 2 December 1995 at the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka sponsored by the Taniguchi Foundation and organized by the Senri Foundation. It was included as Chapter 3 in Conflict, Age & Power in North East Africa edited by Eisei Kurimoto and myself and published in 1998 in the series Eastern African…

This PhD thesis examines to what extent the disparity between North and South can be explained in terms of the early Anglo-Egyptian Condominium’ legacy. Download

Resolutions of the SPLM/SPLA First National Convention, April 12, 1994. Found in the Sudan Open Archive.  

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