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This article from 2004 reflects on the political transformation of the SPLM/A and argues, the SPLA will not achieve its state-building objective because of the effects of international norms on the movement’s intentions and pursuits of its interests. Link to publication

This report from 2004 focusses on security and on protection challenges related to the then ongoing preparations for the return and reintegration of millions of displaced in the North-South war. In a response to the explicit request by the humanitarian community and donors to map out the protection challenges connected therewith, this report was consigned to assess human security and protection with respect to the North- South scenario.

The analysis in this paper contributes to understanding root casues of conflict in Southern Sudan as a means of preventing and even transforming them during and after the envisioned interim period. Download

This article provides an account of the administrative and political capacity of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), as well as the challenge posed by a host of rival armed movements loosely grouped under the umbrella of the South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF) during the past civil war. Link to publication

This article presents institutions of governance that are in the process of being established in the rebel-held areas of Southern Sudan. The development roles of the main governance actors—government, civil society and the private sector—are examined and capacity-building needs are described. Link to publication

This article examines the history and effects of programes of Islamization and Arabization in the Southern Sudan, implemented by general Ibrahaim Abboud (1958-1964). Link to publication

This paper from 2001 examines the role of NGOs in rebuilding socio-political order in Southern Sudan during the past civil war. The paper suggests that if INGOs and international agencies function predominately as public service providers (a classic function of a state), they might also develop a strong social position to behave as regulatory agencies and ultimately they act as the dominant socio-political referees.

The purpose of this document is to help relief and development organizations hold themselves responsible for the overall impact of their programs. It offers a set of streamlined tools, designed for flexible use by programmers with different needs, resources, time and experience. The handbook is the output of CARE staff in Sudan, South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia, who have been involved in testing and developing the approach and the tools during three…

This document from 2000 reviews the literature on internally displaced, refugees and returnees from and in the Sudan. Download

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