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This article (2005) explores local government structure and practices in SPLM/A held areas in Southern Sudan. Doing this it refers to the challenges of distributing land and foreign aid. The article focusses on the Equatoria region and on ethnic politics in Central Equatoria during the past civil war. Link to publication

This report is based on fieldwork conducted in counties inhabited by Nuer speakers in the counties of Payinjar and Leer in western Upper Nile, and Akobo in the central Upper Nile Region. The study explores traditional authorities in the Upper Nile region.

The purpose of this paper is to outline the potential benefits of fiscal decentralization and to discuss the implications of the peace protocols for the restructuring of the federal system in the Sudan. Download

Victims of warfare, famine, slavery, and isolation, the Southern Sudanese are one of the most undereducated populations in the world. Since the inception of formal education in southern Sudan a century ago, schooling has largely consisted of island-like entities surrounded by oceans of educational emptiness. Islands of Education is the first book to comprehensively examine this harrowing educational reality. The most recent civil war in southern Sudan raged unrelentingly for 21 years and left approximately…

This report is based on a series of 32 focus groups, aimed to give concrete expression to the views of ordinary men and women about the future of New Sudan. Download

The DO NO HARM “Analytical Framework” was developed from the programming experience of many assistance workers. It provides a tool for mapping the interactions of assistance and conflict and can be used to plan, monitor and evaluate both humanitarian and development assistance programmes. Download

This study from 2004, carried out through a partnership between FAO, UNHCR and NRC investigated existing agreements, statutes and customs, international documents and research on land dispute resolution mechanisms and propose recommendations for the immediate, short, medium and long term use of arbitration, mediation and conciliation and of the traditional equivalents of these legal tools. Download

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