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This report from 2007 assesses several critical environmental issues – such as land degradation, deforestation and the impacts of climate change – that threaten Sudan’s prospects for long-term peace, food security and sustainable development. Download  

In this book, Jok Madut Jok delves deep into Sudan’s culture and past, isolating the factors that have caused its fractured national identity. He describes how Sudan is a country in turmoil, ravaged by civil war, plagued by roaming gangs of rebel and government militia. Because government propaganda, tales of state-sponsored murder, genocide and humanitarian crises are rife, he argues that there is a real need for a measured investigation which carefully examines the causes…

This paper presents the ethnic and ideological factors in the Sudan crisis as products of other processes, notably the strategies adopted by successive governments for managing the peripheries and the militarisation of society. It differs from many scholarly analyses in its emphasis on the importance of failed consolidation at the centre of power. The implication of the analysis is that Sudan faces possibly insuperable challenges in attempting to achieve democracy and a fair distribution of…

This briefing explores the roots of Sudan’s national identity crisis and addresses its stratifying implications. Download

This article reviews the formation and emergence of the SPLA/SPLM, as well its organizational structure and political developments. Link to publication

This document reports findings from focus group discussions with citizens living in the Three Areas on the implementation of the CPA. Download

After the passage of 2 years of the post CPA period that ended the North-South Conflict, safety and security remain a challenge. Yet, there is inadequate assessment of the impact of safety and security including on the CPA. This baseline survey reveals that though the CPA has succeeded in some respects violence victimisation–orchestrated by small arms and light weapons–continue to exist. Download

The purpose of this article is to highlight the critical role of ethnic, cultural and religious diversity in peacebuilding and constitution-making in post-conflict Sudan. Link to publication

This article (2007) argues that any intervention is necessarily a political event and it supports this contention with an examination of assistance in Sudan in general and Darfur in particular. In describing the way in which donating states concentrated on the settlement between Khartoum and South Sudan to the detriment of intervention in Darfur in time to forestall massive human slaughter, the authors are pointing to political failure. Link to publication

This article (2007) reviews the implementation of the CPA and the contextual factors that influenced the implementation. Download

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