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The purpose of this paper from 2008 is to present the development of a sustainable, affordable and realistic urban development strategy that can respond to the immediate needs of GOSS, to minimize the lack of an urban structure capable of supporting a comprehensive economic development effort, to provide shelter for IDPs, RRs and rural migrants, and to improve the living condition of the current residents. Download

This study sketches the social and political situation of traditional authorities in Southern Sudan and evaluateds the role envisaged from them within the Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan.

This article analyses how Budi County in Eastern Equatoria State (South Sudan) was governed during the 1990s and up to mid-2007. Because its capital Chukudum was the SPLM/A headquarters almost throughout that period, it provides us with an interesting case from which to explore how the SPLM/A governed during the civil war and how this impacts on the post-war peace. One observation is that the civil war, besides a period of devastation and human suffering,…

This conference paper investigates post-conflict land tenure security and the instruments of an effective land reform program. Download

This paper from 2008 looks at the “Land Question” and some aspects of the policy and institutional challenges with reference to emerging land issues in South Sudan. The paper provides a brief overview of the background to the past civil war with reference to its natural resource dimension before discussing the post-CPA situation regarding the Land Question in South Sudan. Download

This thesis demonstrates the leadership role of Southern Sudanese churches in communal stabilization at a grassroots level, in local peace processes and the process leading to the CPA. Download

Report (2007) discussing issues relating to Return and Reintegration (RR) of actors displaced by the fighting in Sudan. The report aims to provide action-oriented data on issues relating to RR as a basis for suggestions to improve the RR program in Southern Sudan. Download

In what is now Sudan there occurred over the centuries a process of ta’rib, or Arabization, entailing the gradual spread of both Arab identity and the Arabic language among northern peoples. This article considers the historical diffusion of Sudanese Arabic-language culture and Arab identity, contrasts this with the post-colonial policy of Arabization, and analyses the relevance of the latter for civil conflicts in Southern Sudan, the Nuba Mountains, and, more recently, Darfur. Far from spreading…

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