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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the water policies of the Nile riparian states and their attendant consequences, including economic, environmental and social crises. From a holistic theoretical standpoint, the paper explores the distribution, redistribution and utilisation of Nile water by Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan, and discusses their policies and strategies for further cooperation. Download

This report documents findings from interviews with government officials and legislators at the GoSS and state levels. Doing this the report presents views, experiences and expectations of inter-governmental relations. Download  

Between 22 April and 6 May 2008, Sudan’s fifth population and housing census was conducted in both North and South Sudan. Because it was assumed to have a decisive impact on future power and wealth sharing in Sudan, the census has been highly contested, and its outcome was controversial. This briefing argues that the hotly contested census not only highlighted existing tensions between the North and the South on topics such as resources, power sharing,…

This study from 2008 presents the findings from the second phase of an in-depth research project on the reintegration of IDPs and refugees returning to Southern Sudan and the Three Areas. Phase II builds on the findings of the initial phase and further explores the key determinants of sustainable reintegration.

This paper outlines the background and context to the insecurity in Eastern Equatoria State (EES) and Central Equatoria State (CES) in the years after 2005, focusing on why they have been so politically contested, and why they have such potential for large-scale violent conflict in addition to the low-level insecurities that have been a part of civilian life since the CPA was signed. In doing this, the paper attempts to cut through the often misleading…

This study examines the role of traditional leadership during the upsurge of civil war in Southern Sudan. Download

The aim of this paper is to suggest policy measures that riparian countries could adopt to reduce tension over scarce water resources and facilitate effective, sustainable cooperation in the Nile basin for peace, development and benefit sharing. Link to publication

This Brief updates the state of knowledge about the status of armed groups in South Sudan as of March 2008, and focuses on the lingering problems that they pose, the challenges remaining to their dissolution and demobilization, and their possible impact on CPA implementation. Download

This article reports from surveys that were administered to 235 South Sudanese refugees living in the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya, with the goal of better understanding some of the psychological factors related to refugees’ desire to return home. Download

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