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This analysis illuminates the complexity and changing dynamics of energy politics in the Sudan and the need to develop a nuanced understanding of its external dimension. Although, historically, there have been several layers to the North- South dispute, this paper focuses on energy politics subsequent to the South’s opt-out. Link to publication

This report discussess different aspects of violence and insecurity in Southern Sudan, focusing on local violence and current measures to address these challenges. In addition it presents some issues related to land and natural resource management and suggests some linkages between these issues and the growing local insecurity. Download

This collection of articles discusses legal pluralism in Southern Sudan and other conflict affected contexts. Download

This policy brief from 2009 discussess some of the possible consequences of South Sudan’s secession. Download

This anti-corruption strategy is derived from the analysis of stakeholder consultations over a period of two years and is hinged on twelve guiding principles that describe multiple policy goals of the GoSS. The strategy is meant to be a tool for implementing standard practices and procedures in both public and private sectors to improve service delivery and eradicate corrupt practices to achieve sustainable social, economic and political development. Download

Projects Sudan’s 2010 elections, the nature of the Sudanese state and politics and the calculations of key political players. Download

The purpose of this assessment is to inform the development of an integrated, multi-sectoral program to support the CPA by delivering tangible peace dividends. This will be done through building capacity of state and county governments to effectively engage citizens and address their needs. Data for this assessment was gathered through review of official documents, informant interviews, and limited visits to local communities and service providers. Download

This briefing paper (2009) discusses the capacity of elections to achieve effective political accommodation and thereby help to achieve peace in Sudan.

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