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This report (2010) analyses the impact of demarcation on the peoples of the borderlands of Sudan and South Sudan and how it may affect local and national political developments.

This article explores the history of elections by secret ballot in Sudan since the 1950s, and considers what lessons this history may offer in the run-up to the national elections planned under the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. The article locates the repeated use of the secret ballot in Sudan in the context of a wider state-directed project of modernity, for which the secret ballot offers a performative enactment of the relationship between an efficient state and…

Questions over durable solutions in the social, political and security terrain of southern Sudan and northern Uganda invite recognition that simple delineations between ‘‘home’’ and ‘‘exile’’ are inadequate for an understanding of displacement and refugee status. Contrary to existing policies that assume an unproblematic repatriation of Sudanese refugees from their protracted exile in Uganda to a ‘‘post conflict’’ Sudan, the emerging reality is that multiple strategies of survival, selfprotection and development are being employed. This…

This article challenges the commonly assumed negative relationship between civil war and social capital, and attempts to develop a more nuanced understanding of the status of social capital in the context of Sudan’s civil war. The empirical findings clearly question any simplistic assumption that conflict erodes social capital. While it is true that certain types of social capital have been a casualty of civil war, the opposite is the case in other communities. The article…

This briefing looks at the underlying drivers of the increased insecurity in Southern Sudan during 2009. It also suggests a number of measurements to counter them. Download

This report explores Sudanese elite women’s perceptions of gender equality and to what extent they represent grassroots women’s priorities and attitudes. Download

Sudan will hold potentially transformative elections in April 2010 and its complex peace processes require the organisation of three referendums in the coming year, including one in which Southern Sudanese voters will decide on unity or independence. Sudan is therefore entering a crucial period in its history and the country’s powerful elites are under pressure to reach agreement on a wide range of complex processes. This report analyses these critical events and their potential outcomes…

This report (2010) presents a base line assessment of 37 primary schools in Aweil East County in Northern Bahr el-Ghazal, South Sudan. Download

The paper (2010) discusses the experiences of South Sudanese women during the interim period and how they perceive the CPA. Download

This report examines a series of conflict triggers that shed light on the spike in deadly violence in 2009. It highlights three of the primary conflict cycles in Jonglei and adjoining areas across the border in Upper Nile over the past year: those involving the Dinka, Lou Nuer, Jikany Nuer, and Murle communities. In doing so, it looks at factors both causing and exacerbating the violence, as well as the politicisation of conflict, the possibility…

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