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This article (2011) explores the modernisation of security forces in the territory, focusing on challenges and opportunities for the Southern Sudan Police Service. It examines how the political ambivalence of national leaders and key international actors, linked to their goal of creating a state in the South, are shaping the new police force. Download

With the Comprehensive Peace Agreement’s mandate for Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) set to expire in July 2011, discussions are now underway between the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), the South Sudan DDR Commission, and international actors on how the programme can be extended and possibly retooled in the post-independence period. This Issue Brief reviews the serious limitations, as well as some of the modest successes, of the current programme. Based on field research and…

Sudan is among the global ‘hotspots’ for large-scale land acquisitions. Although most of this investment activity was thought to be focused in the Northern part of the country, recent research indicates that a surprising number of large-scale l and acquisitions have taken place in the South as well in recent years. Now that Southern Sudanese have opted for independence in the 2011 referendum on self-determination, investment activity will likely increase further. This paper presents preliminary…

This Migration Profile Report (2011) of Sudan (including Southern Sudan) presents migration and demographic related data. Download

This paper reports research commissioned by the Danish Refugee Council’s human security unit, Danish Demining Group in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, through the middle of 2011. The paper is designed to highlight potential sources of conflict in the state, especially those associated with rapid socio-economic change. it is intended to help development actors to design and implement their programmes in conflict-sensitive ways.

This briefing reports from the conflict between the SPLM/A and the Shilluk ethnic group in the Upper Nile region, which started around April 2010 when four Shilluk SPLM–DC candidates for parliamentary positions in the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) were elected but refused by the SPLM/A. Download

This report discusses the post-referendum political landscape in South Sudan, the politics of negotiating the forthcoming transition and the objectives and attitudes of the principal political actors. Download

The paper is organized around three transversal themes that are part of the backward and forward looking functions of peace processes. In terms of the former, these themes include the role of economic characteristics of armed conflict in the engagement of armed groups, and the treatment of the economic agendas and conflict-driving conditions in peace process negotiations. In terms of forward looking functions, the paper asks if and how the inclusion of economic issues in…

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