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In the aftermath of war, local government in Western Equatoria, South Sudan, set out to formalize urban land to make it more legible, less conflictual, and ready for the state’s vision of tomorrow. But the process proved problematic, and it caused and rekindled countless land disputes. Based on qualitative research at courts, county offices, and contested plots, this paper finds that these disputes were at their root about five competing normative repertoires about land distribution:…

Abyei has been a center of tension and violence in recent years. This report focuses on the recent round of violence in and around Abyei, explaining the underlying causes of the conflict, the escalation of violence over the past year, and what likely lies ahead if political measures are not taken to address the unresolved political status of Abyei and local disputes over resource-sharing. Download

Wetlands are under threat globally, declining at a rate three times higher than natural forests. This isreason for concern because healthy wetlands offer a variety of essential services to humans and arecritical ecosystems in the fight against climate change.1 Yet, the governance of wetlands often fallsthrough the cracks of water governance approaches and institutions in charge of managing rivers,lakes or aquifers.2 Emblematic of this is the Sudd Wetlands [Sudd] in South Sudan. Little is knownabout…

The category of ‘inter-communal violence’ has been increasingly mobilised to interpret subnational violence in contemporary Africa. The paper contends this is an unwelcome trend that risks leaving violence unmoored from political and military systems it is enmeshed within. The paper advances an alternative framework for approaching such violence, using the cases of South Sudan and Nigeria to illustrate this framework. In purposefully weakened or deinstitutionalised systems, the paper argues, regimes tolerate, incite, or exploit forms…

On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (R-TGoNU) issued a Press Statement. It provided an update to the public, the region, and diplomatic community on the status of the implementation of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS), while signaling the commencement of the Extended Transition Period through 2025. This is encouraging, marking the second time the Government has made such public announcement in…

In 2022, South Sudan was ranked as the world’s most vulnerable country to climate change and the one most lacking in coping capacity. South Sudan is also one of the world’s most politically fragile countries. Rising from the Depths explores opportunities and trade-offs for aligning South Sudan’s water-related investments and policies with its commitment to peace and its climate change adaptation needs. This report elevates water security as an issue critical for national development and…

A three-year investigation by The Sentry into a loan deal between a local company and a regional bank— with the backing of the South Sudan government—has uncovered red flags for illicit business practices, including bribery, tax evasion, and trade-based money laundering. The investigation found clear indications that the arrangement enabled powerful individuals to benefit from the manipulation of business worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The loan deal skirted legislation on oversight, transparency, and competition…

Focusing on the 2005-2020 period, the report discusses the political economy among South Sudanese elites. The report explores how the recent reduction in oil production and revenue has shifted the political economy, and related elite loyalty, from the one based on oil to one based on land ownership. The report argues that the new quest for land by elites is likely to lead not only to the deprivation of civilian populations of their land, but…

This commentary focusses on South Sudan’s regional diplomacy in relation to the Nile Bassin. Download          

The purpose of this toolkit is to introduce readers to the complex relationship between land and violent conflict and to provide guidance on recommended approaches and actions to address some of the root causes of conflict. This understanding can help staff diagnose a problem, support strategic planning, and develop projects and activities that build on a robust appraisal of local context and conditions. Download

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