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This evaluation report provides an independent assessment of the NRC South Sudan food security and livelihoods (FSL) program in Warrap and NBeG from 2010 until 2012. It provides lessons for designing and implementing the on-going program and informs future organizational FSL strategy. View here.

In early 2008, UNHCR launched consultations with its Executive Committee (ExCom) on a new Policy Framework and Implementation Strategy regarding UNHCR’s role in support of the return and reintegration of displaced populations. This updated reintegration policy includes a commitment by the agency to undertake “both real-time and retrospective evaluations of its major reintegration programmes”. In line with this commitment, UNHCR’s Policy Development and Evaluation Service (PDES), in consultation with the Africa Bureau, commissioned an evaluation…

This report critically evaluates the mediation model of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement that ended the 21 years of Sudan conflict, and offers some alternative approaches for future IGAD led peace processes. It concludes that lessons to be learned from the weaknesses of the Naivasha process include the need for a strong commitment to democratic change and a comprehensive conception of peace. It proposes an alternative approach which is longer, more complex, focuses on process…

This research deals with the wide range of (unintended) consequences of humanitarian aid in Sudan during the Operation Lifeline Sudan (OLS). It investigates, among other things, the relationship between humanitarian aid and displacement. Found in the Sudan Open Archive. Visit here.

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