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In March 2014, to reach internally displaced people and those most affected by the ongoing conflict with lifesaving humanitarian assistance, and to re-open humanitarian space, the World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) initiated an Integrated Rapid Response Mechanism (IRRM). This was designed to address critical gaps in provision of lifesaving humanitarian coverage and to meet the needs of those who might otherwise be inaccessible by responding to the rapidly changing…

This report was produced for Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) by Action Against Hunger UK’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Services. NCA started the ‘Emergency Preparedness and Response Programme’ in January 2014 after violence erupted in December 2013, and it has been implemented in a phased approach with Phase 5 completed in August 2017. The overall objective of the programme is the provision of lifesaving assistance to conflict and displaced populations in South Sudan. This external evaluation…

South Sudan became an independent state in 2011, separating from Sudan following decades of armed conflict. High hopes for South Sudan’s future were soon dashed when fighting broke out in December 2013, and optimism regarding South Sudan’s prospect for peace has now faded. The country is currently facing famine, ongoing conflict, persistent ethnic tensions and severe economic challenges. The humanitarian crisis and continued fighting across the country have led to large-scale forced displacement. This case…

The purpose of this Country Evaluation Brief is to present relevant knowledge about donors’ development efforts in South Sudan. The brief systematises relevant findings from existing evaluations of development interventions in the country. Download

This evaluation report is presented as part of the Effectiveness Review Series 2014/15, selected for review under the humanitarian response thematic area using the application of Oxfam’s Humanitarian Indicator Toolkit (HIT). The report presents the findings from the evaluation carried out between January and February 2015, of Oxfam’s humanitarian response to the 2013 Juba conflict in South Sudan. On 15 December 2013, heavy fighting between factions of the South Sudanese armed forces broke out in…

An Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation (IAHE) was conducted in South Sudan in April 2015 under the auspices of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Transformative Agenda for the global reform of humanitarian action in large-scale emergencies. This was the first such evaluation of a response to a conflict situation and complex political emergency. The crisis is now clearly becoming protracted and therefore requires a complete review and revision of strategic purpose. The emergency is merging with the…

This report is prepared to present the findings, lessons learned and recommendations of the final evaluation of the CPA DDR implementation. A team of independent consultants was commissioned, from the 19th of March to the 27th of April 2013, to conduct an independent evaluation of the CPA DDR Programme. The evaluation was conducted in a participatory manner involving key stakeholders. Primary data were collected by conducting key informant interviews and focus group discussions with a…

The objective of the evaluation was to give communities a voice, identify and attribute education in emergencies (EiE) impact. The evaluation process did this firstly through a goal free dicussion with groups representative of a cross section of people in communities. The aim of this was to find out what were the most important things that had happened in their lives over the past 2 years. The purpose of this was to determine whether education…

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