The Republic of South Sudan, the world’s “youngest country,” gained independence from Sudan following decades of civil war in 2011, with fanfare, high hopes, and great expectations. The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), the primary military force that fought for independence, transformed into the political rulers of the new country and lost its vision of a free and prosperous nation. Within two years of independence, the country has quickly degenerated into internecine warfare with fifty…

This briefing reports from the conflict between the SPLM/A and the Shilluk ethnic group in the Upper Nile region, which started around April 2010 when four Shilluk SPLM–DC candidates for parliamentary positions in the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) were elected but refused by the SPLM/A. Download

This study examines the role of traditional leadership during the upsurge of civil war in Southern Sudan. Download

This article reviews the formation and emergence of the SPLA/SPLM, as well its organizational structure and political developments. Link to publication

The opening and closing speeches of Dr. John Garang at the first SPLM Convention in 1994 presents and discusses different models for statehood. Found in the Sudan Open Archive.

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