This review analyzes the implications of President Kiir’s decision to remove long serving Chief of General Staff of the SPLA, Lt. General James Hot Mai along with Maj. Gen. Mac Paul, Director of Military Intelligence.

This article identifies conflict drivers of the political/humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. Link to publication

Operation Lifeline Sudan signaled one of the first major coordinated humanitarian efforts to bring relief to suffering civilians in the midst of an active war zone. This paper recounts those efforts and the challenges faced by the humanitarian operations due to the manipulation of aid by both sides in the conflict. The question is asked whether it is actually beneficial to provide aid to suffering civilians when that aid is also serving as a tool…

This article from 2004 reflects on the political transformation of the SPLM/A and argues, the SPLA will not achieve its state-building objective because of the effects of international norms on the movement’s intentions and pursuits of its interests. Link to publication

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