This review report discusses the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV), including its forms and drivers in South Sudan.Key takeaways: Women and girls in South Sudan face multiple forms of violence across their life course and in multiple settings, with serious impacts on health and well-being. Women and girls in South Sudan experience high levels of violence. Groups who experience intersecting inequalities are at heightened risk of violence (e.g., adolescent girls, women and girls with disabilities,…

Focusing on the peace talks process as a driver of change, this case study explores how women participated in and influenced processes of constitutional reform and transitional justice in the post-civil war political settlement, as well as the challenges and limitations of their activities. Following its independence in 2011 from Sudan, the 2013–2018 civil war in South Sudan devastated much of the country. The conflict was also characterised by both widespread targeting of civilians and…

This article presents the results of a qualitative study on the context and different forms of violence committed against women and girls in South Sudan. The study documents many forms of sexual and physical violence against women and girls in South Sudan, including conflict-related sexual violence, intimate partner violence, nonpartner sexual violence, child and forced marriage, and abduction. Violence occurred during three overarching contexts: armed conflict, gender inequality, and the economic crisis. The custom of…

This report is the result of a short-term study on the traditional and changing roles of gender and women in peace-building. The study involved field research in five locations (Aweil, Bentiu, Bor, Rumbek and Torit). The purpose of the study is to research how the traditional and changing roles of women/girls and men/boys, conflict dynamics in South Sudan and to recommend to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), potential partners, on possible further peace initiatives….

Gender-based violence (GBV) is pervasive throughout South Sudan. The renewed fighting in 2016 has only worsened the deep suffering and humanitarian needs of civilians, with conflict seriously exacerbating gendered violence. GBV has devastating impacts, resulting in long-term physical, psychological and social traumas that can affect individuals, families and communities for decades. The effects of such violence are further compounded by lack of access to appropriate medical and psychological support, as well as a lack of…

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