The report focuses on the dynamics in Rotriak, which is currently hosting South Sudanese returnee fleeing the conflict in Sudan.  Specifically, the report identifies four key challenges in the area, which are compounded by the return and the climate change: these include, its sensitive location, factors of insecurity, concerns over protection and community relationships. Finally, the report provides some conflict sensitive recommendations on how to address these challenges. Read more here

KEY MESSAGES • Nearly all households who were interviewed in South Sudan were South Sudanese nationals who reported having fled active conflict in urban areas in Khartoum State. • Findings indicate households endured dangerous journeys to reach the border, with most households reporting having faced difficulties, including racism and discrimination, transportation issues, and difficulties due to a lack of documentation. Some households recounted having been subjected to violence. • Households overwhelmingly reported being in urgent…

This paper reports research commissioned by the Danish Refugee Council’s human security unit, Danish Demining Group in Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, through the middle of 2011. The paper is designed to highlight potential sources of conflict in the state, especially those associated with rapid socio-economic change. it is intended to help development actors to design and implement their programmes in conflict-sensitive ways.

The 2011 South Sudan referendum has resulted in a mass influx of returnees over the course of the past four months from northern Sudan and border countries such as Uganda, Congo and Kenya. According to the latest UNOCHA figures, over 250,000 people have returned since October 30, 2010. Most returnees are coming with only what they can carry, or fit on the barges, thus arriving with serious humanitarian needs including food, water, shelter and health….

This report (2010) presents a base line assessment of 37 primary schools in Aweil East County in Northern Bahr el-Ghazal, South Sudan. Download

This report (2009) presents the findings from the IOM tracking of spontaneous returns programme, which gathered information such as return numbers, basic demographic information (sex, age) and special needs/vulnerabilities of IDPs and refugees who have spontaneously returned to Southern Sudan and Southern Kordofan. Download

The report (2008) presents the results of village assessments conducted in four states of SouthernSudan and Southern Kordofan. The results are part of the IOM Village Assessment Programme, which is commited to extend support returnees. The report covers access to services, income generation, food resources as well as shelter and housing. Download

This study from 2004, carried out through a partnership between FAO, UNHCR and NRC investigated existing agreements, statutes and customs, international documents and research on land dispute resolution mechanisms and propose recommendations for the immediate, short, medium and long term use of arbitration, mediation and conciliation and of the traditional equivalents of these legal tools. Download

This document from 2000 reviews the literature on internally displaced, refugees and returnees from and in the Sudan. Download

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