This study examines the role of traditional leadership during the upsurge of civil war in Southern Sudan. Download

This article analyses how Budi County in Eastern Equatoria State (South Sudan) was governed during the 1990s and up to mid-2007. Because its capital Chukudum was the SPLM/A headquarters almost throughout that period, it provides us with an interesting case from which to explore how the SPLM/A governed during the civil war and how this impacts on the post-war peace. One observation is that the civil war, besides a period of devastation and human suffering,…

This article reviews the formation and emergence of the SPLA/SPLM, as well its organizational structure and political developments. Link to publication

This article (2005) explores local government structure and practices in SPLM/A held areas in Southern Sudan. Doing this it refers to the challenges of distributing land and foreign aid. The article focusses on the Equatoria region and on ethnic politics in Central Equatoria during the past civil war. Link to publication

This article provides an account of the administrative and political capacity of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), as well as the challenge posed by a host of rival armed movements loosely grouped under the umbrella of the South Sudan Democratic Front (SSDF) during the past civil war. Link to publication

This article presents institutions of governance that are in the process of being established in the rebel-held areas of Southern Sudan. The development roles of the main governance actors—government, civil society and the private sector—are examined and capacity-building needs are described. Link to publication

Exposition of the state of customary laws in the Dinka and Azande communities of Southern Sudan. The case studies are set in the period of the civil war that broke out in 1983, and include cases of the SPLA (Sudan People’s Liberation Army) soldiers interacting with the local populations.

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