This policy brief from 2009 discussess some of the possible consequences of South Sudan’s secession. Download

Discusses the Hague’s-based ad hoc international tribunal (“the Tribunal”) decision to redefine the borders of the disputed (oil-rich) Abyei region between north and south Sudan Download

This report attempts at understanding the events that followed from fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) in the politically disputed town of Abyei in May 2008, in which SAF and SAF supported militia also deliberately killed civilians and carried out massive looting and destruction of the town.

This document summarizes a seminar on the CPA held at Chatham House on 23 November 2007. It strived to assess the obstacles to implementation and what should be done to overcome them; to anticipate risks of return to conflict and any mitigating steps that could be taken to avoid them; and to identify areas of CPA implementation where energy and attention need to be focused, whether by the local actors or by international supporters of…

The article (2007) discusses the Abyei Area protocol – a separate protocal in the CPA signed in 2005 – and the impact of the failures of implementing it on the relations between the North and the South. Link to publication

This working paper from 2009 identifies the the Popular Defence Forces (PDF) as a potential threat to the CPA’s stability. Download

During celebrations commemorating the second anniversary of the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), Government of South Sudan (GoSS) President and Vice-President of the Republic Salva Kiir made clear that the agreement was facing a crisis and there was a growing risk of a return to war. In particular, he blamed Khartoum’s continuing support for Other Armed Groups (OAGs). In light of that assessment, this paper reviews recent developments in the South Sudan security…

This PhD thesis examines to what extent the disparity between North and South can be explained in terms of the early Anglo-Egyptian Condominium’ legacy. Download

This article from 1983 summarizes the experience leading up to the 1981 Local Government Act, and examines the extent to which the new legislation offers an effective structure. The finance of local government, a recurrent problem in the Sudan, emerges as a critical issue, together with the future role of the Provincial Commissioner. Link to publication

In the early 1960s there was a growing movement among the people of the Southern Sudan to break away from the Sudan Republic, caused by their oppression and exploitation at the hands of the Government. To understand what was happening, this article (1963) provides a short account of the historical background, and of the political and constitutional development up to 1958. Link to publication

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