This article analyses the teaching and learning of South Sudan history from 1955–2005 in secondary schools in South Sudan with a specific focus on national unity. The article argues that the national narrative of South Sudan is still closely tied to enemy images of the former enemy of Sudan in the north, while internal ethnic tensions are suppressed and excluded from the official national narrative taught in the classroom. Download

The paper locates the crisis of the post-colonial Sudan in its historical context and discusses the institutional legacy of colonialism and how that has affected citizenship in Sudan and South Sudan. It argues that the colonial project made a legal distinction, especially in how citizenship was defined. Link to publication

This report focuses on recent developments in the border zone of Sudan and South Sudan. Download

This article comments on the Failed State Index evaluation of South Sudan, arguing the report neglects how South Sudan’s failed state is largely a legacy of its history with Sudan.

The civil war that has intermittently raged in the Sudan since independence in 1956 is, according to Francis Deng, a conflict of contrasting and seemingly incompatible identities in the Northern and Southern parts of the country. Identity is seen as a function of how people identify themselves and are identified in racial, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and religious terms. The identity question related to how such concepts determine or influence participation and distribution in the political,…

Originating from the 2008 27th annual conference of the Sudan Studies Association (SSA) of the same title, these essays document and analyze Sudan’s chronic history of armed conflict since independence in 1956 as well as its own and international efforts to bring an end to these conflicts. Link to publication

This article comments on the execution and effects of the 2008 census, mandated as part of the 2005 CPA. Link to the publication

This paper analyses the security situation and underlying causes of violence, medio 2009. Download

This report (2010) analyses the impact of demarcation on the peoples of the borderlands of Sudan and South Sudan and how it may affect local and national political developments.

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