This policy briefing summarises the key findings and recommendations of a longer research report, ‘Masculinities, conflict and peacebuilding: Perspectives on men through a gender lens’. Taken together, these publications aim to move forward discussions about integrating a masculinities perspective into peace-building policy and practice by surveying the current state of play and posing key questions about how peacebuilders can meaningfully challenge gender norms which create and perpetuate conflict and insecurity. Saferworld hopes that this briefing…

This report aims to advance discussions about integrating a masculinities perspective into peacebuilding policy and practice. It examines existing programmes that promote non-violent and gender equitable masculinities and poses key questions about how these can be further developed to challenge the gender norms which drive conflict and insecurity. To identify promising approaches which could be adapted for peacebuilding purposes, Saferworld conducted desk research on projects and programmes by 19 organisations or networks across five continents….

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