This study assesses the state of markets and of jobs in market-linked agriculture in the towns of South Sudan. It is based on a 2019 market trader survey end extensive qualitative work. Agriculture provides most urban livelihoods, and there is high potential for raising production. However, insecurity has disrupted all elements of agricultural markets, from production to the transformation of produce, trade networks, and demand. Market activity is recovering, but food system value chains are…

The move towards markets and imported foods is taking place through several, linked processes namely: the monetization of exchange; commodification of goods and labour; and new patterns of accumulation and consumption, which have led to the uprooting of people from their land and other resources needed to sustain their own production. These processes, explored in Displaced Tastes, have had a profound effect on what food is grown in, or imported into, the country. As a…

This study from 2015 aims at understanding how crises (and external interventions in response to crises) affect markets and market relations, in order to better understand livelihoods and humanitarian (and, in the longer term, developmental) outcomes.

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