Over the last 50 years, the various conflicts afflicting South Sudan have caused massive displacements of people. Latest estimates suggest there are more than 1.5 million internally displaced people (IDPs) within the country’s borders, with another 2.2 million refugees displaced outside the country, as a result of the most recent conflicts. Policymakers generally see these populations as highly vulnerable—being less able to provide for themselves and their families away from their original homes—and at risk…

This report explores the first two years of the South Sudanese civil war in Unity and analyses its underlying conflict dynamics. Download

This article recounts how, in the years prior to independence in 2011, returnees successfully assembled land for inhabitation and productive use through autochthonous modes of governance, legitimation and inscription. Link to publication

This document investigates the challenges South Sudanese returnees and displaced persons face from their own perspective. Building on field research in the autumn and winter of 2015, it analyses the patterns of return and coping strategies of returnees, as well as any assistance that aid agencies can provide. Download

This report describes the serious mental health impact of South Sudan’s conflict in order to highlight the urgency for more attention, and resources, to improve the availability, accessibility, and quality of mental health services in the country. It is based on interviews with 161 internally displaced South Sudanese and with government and UN officials, donors, representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international and South Sudanese mental health professionals. Download

This brief synthesizes voices of internally displaced persons seeking protection at United Nations peacekeeping operation bases in Juba, South Sudan. In early August 2014, the Stimson Center conducted seven focus groups with people living in two protection of civilians (POC) sites inside UN bases in Juba. The purpose of these focus groups was to understand better how people living in these sites perceived their security. A summary of the findings is presented in this report….

This Migration Profile Report (2011) of Sudan (including Southern Sudan) presents migration and demographic related data. Download

This report takes a critical look at the first, ongoing phase of the DDR process in Southern Sudan, and specifically at the reintegration component. It also looks at the feasibility of social and economic reintegration, considering both the socio-economic context and the specific social composition of the first group of ex-combatants to be reintegrated. Download

This article from 2009 describes an ethnographic research study on IDPs’ perceptions of Human Rights conducted in Southern Sudan. The specific aim of the research was to gather local voices and deepen understanding about the social context that influences gender relationships prior to planning community initiatives that address violence against women and advance women’s health and well-being. Link to publication

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