This briefing describes events of the conflict between SPLM/A and SPLM/A-IO in Unity State, importantly evolving around the oil fields of Rubkona and Pariang counties. Download

This briefing provides an update of the situation in the Abyei region. Download

This briefing provides background information to rebel leader David Yau Yau and his forces. Download

This article is a critical examination of four often-cited explanations for local violence in Jonglei, South Sudan. Download

This paper reviews the immediate security responses following the inter-ethnic violence in Jonglei, December 2011. The paper concludes with a broad assessment of other areas of inter-ethnic violence in South Sudan and analyses whether the potential security responses in Jonglei are also applicable elsewhere, as many may perceive the situation to be the same in other states. Download

This report examines a series of conflict triggers that shed light on the spike in deadly violence in 2009. It highlights three of the primary conflict cycles in Jonglei and adjoining areas across the border in Upper Nile over the past year: those involving the Dinka, Lou Nuer, Jikany Nuer, and Murle communities. In doing so, it looks at factors both causing and exacerbating the violence, as well as the politicisation of conflict, the possibility…

As part of the HSBA’s ongoing review of Sudan’s numerous armed groups, this Issue Brief (2006) examines the role played by the South Sudan Defence Forces in Sudan’s intra-South conflicts, highlighting its origins, leadership, areas of operation, and recent change of fortune. Download

HSBA conducted a large-scale household survey to assess levels of real and perceived insecurity across Lakes State since the signing of the CPA. Download

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