This report provides an overview of the National Dialogue in South Sudan with a focus on citizen perceptions of the process. It lays out the current context in which the National Dialogue is situated, the history of past dialogues as well as the initiation and evolution of the current process. The report concludes with a series of recommendations for how to support the implementation of the National Dialogue’s resolutions and lessons learned for other participatory…

This policy paper highlights opportunities to engage women at the local level to address community conflict issues, promote peace, and empower women as agents of change in South Sudan. It follows the analysis and findings of Search for Common Ground’s November 2017 Building a Constituency for Peace in South Sudan, which examined annual data on conflict perceptions and attitudes collected over a four-year span illuminate various opportunities for actors interested in peace to constructively engage….

This article examines the role of political mandates in including or excluding civil society in the negotiation processes mediated by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in South Sudan and by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in Zimbabwe. It argues that the mandates determined the issue of inclusivity by synthesizing the mediating organizations’ normative considerations and practical requirements and by enabling the organizations’ narrative of the conflict to dominate the negotiations at the expense…

Against a background of continuing civil war and failed peace-making, this study attempts to get beyond the public face of the SPLM-IO as represented by those at the peace talks and provide analysis and background of the many dimensions of the SPLM-IO. Specifically, it considers the formation of the SPLM-IO, identifies the organization’s mode of operation and key political and military actors, and reports on its conferences at Nasir and Pagak in formulating its direction…

This document reports findings from focus group discussions with citizens living in the Three Areas on the implementation of the CPA. Download

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