Using the case study of Faratit communities in Western Bar El Ghazel State, this paper explores the importance and use of traditional health practices. The paper identifies factors that motivate these communities to pursue traditional and spiritual services, as well as the related approaches to access these informal health services. Taking into account the enduring importance of traditional healing practices in South Sudan, this paper provides a set of recommendations on how formal and informal…

Globally, the number of people affected by conflict is the highest in history, and continues to steadily increase. There is currently a pressing need to better understand how to deliver critical health interventions to women and children affected by conflict. The compendium of articles presented in this Conflict and Health Collection brings together a range of case studies including South Sudan recently undertaken by the BRANCH Consortium (Bridging Research & Action in Conflict Settings for…

In recent times, there has been an increasing drive to demonstrate value for money (VfM) for investments made in public health globally. However, there is limited information on practical insights and best practices that have helped implementing organisations to successfully embed VfM in practice for programming and evaluation. In this article, the authors discuss strengths and weaknesses of approaches that been used and insights on best practices to manage for, demonstrate, and compare VfM, using…

In the last 5 years, the conflict in South Sudan has displaced 4 million people and placed 7 million in need of humanitarian assistance. Everyone concerned has had their lives torn apart with adolescent girls suffering worst. Their physical safety, their health and their future prospects are all threatened in ways that differ from the risks faced by adolescent boys and adults. Often, too, just because they are young and female, their rights and needs…

April 2018 – “Everyone and Everything Is a Target” The Impact on Children of Attacks on Health Care and Denial of Humanitarian Access in South Sudan was launched in New York on April 23, 2018, and highlights how the targeting of medical facilities and personnel and denial of humanitarian access in 2016 and 2017 has had devastating impacts on children’s health. Based on field research, the report details attacks on medical facilities and personnel and denial of…

The South Sudan Household Health Survey (SHHS 2) marks the second household and health study in post-conflict South Sudan. The scope of the SHHS 2 includes: – HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics; household listing; education; water and sanitation; insecticide treated nets; salt iodization – WOMEN: Women’s background; child mortality; live birth history; desire for last birth (results not available); maternal and newborn health; contraception; unmet need; attitudes towards domestic violence; marriage/union; female genital mutilation/cutting (results not available);…

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