This report examines how missions are implementing their mandates to protect civilians from SGBV, including CRSV, and assesses good practices, gaps, and opportunities for improvement. The report draws on lessons learned from the UN missions in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the DRC (MONUSCO). It considers how the complexities of preventing and responding to SGBV necessitate a whole-of-mission approach to the protection of civilians (POC) that encompasses not only physical protection from violence but also activities…

This article presents the results of a qualitative study on the context and different forms of violence committed against women and girls in South Sudan. The study documents many forms of sexual and physical violence against women and girls in South Sudan, including conflict-related sexual violence, intimate partner violence, nonpartner sexual violence, child and forced marriage, and abduction. Violence occurred during three overarching contexts: armed conflict, gender inequality, and the economic crisis. The custom of…

This brief provides a context update about the current situation in Northern Bahr el Ghazal –a county in northern South Sudan. The authors present safety and security challenges identified by communities, authorities and civil society such as food insecurity, gender-based violence, land and border disputes, weak justice systems and a lack of security services to turn to. They also provide recommendations for how best to address these challenges for all levels of government and communities to consider.   Download

KAMPALA, October 8, 2020—Displaced communities and those that host large numbers of refugees face high risks of violence, including sexual exploitation and abuse, according to a new World Bank assessment. The recently-launched study, Gender-Based Violence and Violence Against Children: Prevention and Response Services in Uganda’s Refugee-Hosting Districts shows that identifying negative impacts that could result from project activities or risks already existing in the communities, and embedding preventive measures could provide better protection and response…

In South Sudan, early and forced marriage has many devastating consequences: it increases girls’ risk of death or complications during pregnancy and childbirth in a country with one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the world; it is one of the primary reasons why 76% of South Sudanese girls are out-of-school; and it puts girls at greater risk of sexual, physical and emotional violence. Oxfam research presented in this report found that the…

This article from 2009 describes an ethnographic research study on IDPs’ perceptions of Human Rights conducted in Southern Sudan. The specific aim of the research was to gather local voices and deepen understanding about the social context that influences gender relationships prior to planning community initiatives that address violence against women and advance women’s health and well-being. Link to publication

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