In May 2016, 18 donor countries and 16 aid organisations (including United Nations (UN) agencies, international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and the Red Cross Movement) signed a ‘Grand Bargain’ outlining 51 mutual commitments across ten thematic workstreams. Workstream two – more commonly known as ‘localisation’ – commits donors and aid organisations to provide 25% of global humanitarian funding to local and national responders by 2020, along with more unrestricted money and increased multi-year funding. The objective…

The localisation commitments within the Grand Bargain, signed in May 2016, are one of the major achievements of the World Humanitarian Summit, with the potential to drive truly transformative change across the humanitarian system. There are now 59 signatories to the Grand Bargain; of the ten workstreams, workstream two – commonly known as ‘localisation’ – commits donors and aid organisations to provide 25% of global humanitarian funding to local and national responders ‘as directly as…

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