This article discusses the concepts of failure of states, fragility of states, and the prospects of peace in South Sudan. The article focuses specifically on judicial structural deformities in South Sudan under the qualitative and normative research methodologies, with structural functionalism as theoretical framework. Where preceding works had concentrated their South Sudanese peace-building recommendations on power-sharing mechanisms, this contribution emphasizes a long-term postviolence focus on the building of governance structures. The work recommends that while…

Calls for accelerated climate action throughout 2019, whether on the streets or in ministerial-level policy discussions, routinely include the demand to support those most vulnerable to climate change and variability. Capacities to cope with climate impacts are lowest in contexts affected by fragility and conflict. It seems logical therefore that climate funds should be directed to these contexts, but the challenges involved, particularly in channelling funds through government systems, have prevented investment at the scale…

Southern Sudan’s past crises have mobilised consistent flows of humanitarian assistance. Recalling the humanitarian catastrophes and international interventions of the 1990s–2000s, the war that exploded in South Sudan in 2013 has been no exception. This paper shows that the SPLM/A political elite promptly incorporated these flows of external resources into its extraverted strategies of state-building. Similar to the current situation, it did so by appropriating not only material assets but also discourses, playing the ‘fragile…

At the end of the five-year pilot phase of the New Deal, this report takes stock of the question of how bilateral and multilateral donors, as one of the main groups of signatories of the New Deal, have conceptualized and implemented their commitment to promote PSG1. On the basis of empirical evidence acquired through case studies in the four g7+ pilot countries Afghanistan, Somalia, South Sudan and Timor-Leste, the report finds that, at best, donors…

South Sudan’s fragility assessment aims to provide a first, and still limited, overview of progress, challenges and priority actions to help the country advance towards resilience. It should be understood as a qualitative rather than quantitative exercise, intended to contribute to an improved understanding of fragility Download

This research from 2012 investigates the relationship between proliferation of illicit SALW and fragile situations in South Sudan, and their impacts on development and livelihoods. Download

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