This Issue Brief explores some of the internal and external challenges currently facing the GoSS, and its responses, particularly the most recent civilian disarmament campaign, which took place in the second half of 2008. Download

This paper from 2009 reviews the implementation of the 2008 civilian disarmament campaign, with a special focus on three states: Lakes, Western Equatoria, and Unity. Each of these states presented a different set of security concerns and dynamics. Download  

Based on recent interviews and focus groups with a wide range of stakeholders in South Sudan, this Issue Brief (2008) provides a preliminary review of the roles of Southern women and girls in the Sudanese conflict, the specific threats they faced, and their involvement in and contribution to the CPA. Download

After the passage of 2 years of the post CPA period that ended the North-South Conflict, safety and security remain a challenge. Yet, there is inadequate assessment of the impact of safety and security including on the CPA. This baseline survey reveals that though the CPA has succeeded in some respects violence victimisation–orchestrated by small arms and light weapons–continue to exist. Download

This paper examines the history and background of the South Sudan Defence Forces, including its numerous separate components and their respective leaderships. By drawing on existing research it explores the relationship of these various elements with both the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement. Download

HSBA conducted a large-scale household survey to assess levels of real and perceived insecurity across Lakes State since the signing of the CPA. Download

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