This Issue Brief examines the history of Sudan’s militia strategy and the role of militias in the country’s armed conflicts, notably in Darfur and the Two Areas of South Kordofan and Blue Nile. It discusses the use of para-military forces and militias in Sudan from the 1980s until the present day, including their alleged roles in resource exploitation. It then examines the long-term economic, political, and social costs of the militia strategy for the Sudanese…

This review analyzes the implications of President Kiir’s decision to remove long serving Chief of General Staff of the SPLA, Lt. General James Hot Mai along with Maj. Gen. Mac Paul, Director of Military Intelligence.

This report of 2013 explores the DDR programme in South Sudan; in particular how it has evolved, what the major challenges have been to its implementation and, finally, what can realistically be expected from renewed efforts to disarm and reintegrate fighters vis-à-vis security imperatives on the ground. Download

Since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2005 the state of Jonglei in South Sudan has experienced widespread local violence and insecurity. A generation of “youth in crisis” is perceived to be at the heart of the problem. Based on insights garnered from nearly 150 interviews in Jonglei, this PRIO Paper demonstrates that there is no “youth rebellion” in Jonglei. Instead, the past civil war and subsequent violence has contributed towards expanding the…

This report from early 2012 reviews civilian possession of small arms and light weapons (SALW) in South Sudan and processes to control this possession, including civilian disarmament. It begins with an overview of the history of South Sudan, followed by an analysis of the factors that have contributed to SALW proliferation and ultimately a ‘gun culture’ in the country. It then provides an overview of the problems that SALW are currently causing in South Sudan,…

This briefing (2011) discusses the distribution of state-owned small arms and light weapons and related trade flows in South Sudan. Download

This briefing reports from the conflict between the SPLM/A and the Shilluk ethnic group in the Upper Nile region, which started around April 2010 when four Shilluk SPLM–DC candidates for parliamentary positions in the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly (SSLA) were elected but refused by the SPLM/A. Download

This paper from 2010 reviews the successes and shortcomings of the SPLA’s defence transformation process from 2006 to 2010. It takes into account decisions, events, processes, programmes, and doctrine relating to SPLA transformation and development from 2006 onward. In so doing, it identifies a transformation gap that has become evident between SPLA requirements and defence reform initiatives. Download

This paper seeks to understand the structure, mechanics, and agency of arms flows to and within Sudan from 2006 to 2009, thereby focusing attention on the scope of arms flows both to the Khartoum regime and to Southern Sudan. Download

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