Introduction Problem statement South Sudan has witnessed intermittent civil war and widespread communal and localised violence since gaining independence in 2011. 7.5 million people, 64% of the population, are in need of humanitarian assistance. Taking into account a range of variables that affect South Sudanese access to basic needs and services, these scenarios consider developments that could have humanitarian consequences and impact on access to basic needs within South Sudan over the coming six to…

This paper from 2014 analyses the perceptions of Murle IDPs in Juba of their former livelihoods, access to basic services and governance in Pibor County prior to the escalation of violence across South Sudan. Download

The report (2008) presents the results of village assessments conducted in four states of SouthernSudan and Southern Kordofan. The results are part of the IOM Village Assessment Programme, which is commited to extend support returnees. The report covers access to services, income generation, food resources as well as shelter and housing. Download

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