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Like children all over the world, the children of South Sudan deserve the chance to be happy and healthy, explore their world safely, and reach their full potential. There is a strong desire among
children and young people in the country to be educated, to have opportunities for sustainable livelihoods, and to live in a safe environment. However, the budgetary crisis in 2012 and the civil
war that took place between 2013 and 2015 have greatly curtailed these aspirations. The Peace Agreement signed in August 2015 sets out a wide range of tasks that need to be achieved in the
country, and includes a direct role for young people in overseeing the process. If the Agreement holds, this will allow a refocusing on realizing the rights of the most marginalized of South Sudan’s population, including its children whose active participation is crucial to a more equitable and successful future. This report looks at some of the challenges that need to be overcome for this to happen.

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