Entries by Rens Twijnstra

By looking at three case-studies of taxation and private sector regulation reforms, the paper will show how the overlapping and often contradictory regulatory frameworks of the state provide the setting for bricolage strategies by different actors. These actors, and particularly state officials, rely on a variety of institutional resources to implement, resist or remake certain regulatory measures. Link to publication

This article explores the way rents are allocated and utilized through government procurement regimes in the new Republic of South Sudan. Link to publication

This PhD thesis analyses how business activity and economic regulation in South(ern) Sudan was governed before and during the 2012 economic austerity period following the political decisiosn to shut down all oil production. The analyses focuses on the modalities of real economic governance, warranting an empirically-grounded ethnographic view of governance from the perspective of everyday practices and interactions between and within groups of economic and state actors. Download