Entries by Øystein Rolandsen

Through a chronological analysis of the peace process between 2000 and 2005, this article demonstrates that the scope for compromise was limited and that a significantly ‘better’ deal was unlikely. The article’s ambition is to present a concise and empirically grounded analysis of the CPA peace process and to lay foundations for further investigation of a crucial, contested and complicated subject in Sudan’s recent history. Link to publication

This policy report focuses on the perspectives and interests of the Sudan/South Sudan borderland people, and how these have been affected by the session of South Sudan. Download

This briefing looks at the underlying drivers of the increased insecurity in Southern Sudan during 2009. It also suggests a number of measurements to counter them. Download

This report discussess different aspects of violence and insecurity in Southern Sudan, focusing on local violence and current measures to address these challenges. In addition it presents some issues related to land and natural resource management and suggests some linkages between these issues and the growing local insecurity. Download

This study analyzes SPLM’s transition from a rebel movement to a political party. It presents the findings on SPLM structures, capacity and processes of decision making in three states. Download

This study is an analysis of continuity and change in Southern Sudanese politics in the period 1990–2000. One event – the 1994 National Convention of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) – is the focal point of the study. Download