Entries by Concerned Citizens' Network for Peace

In short, the four scenarios are: 1. Best Case Scenario: A peaceful country… 2. Status Quo: Many uncertainties, selective implementation of R-ARCSS, latent friction among the parties with top leadership of the country seemingly working in collaboration and ostensibly trying to implement reform and transformation agenda of R-ARCSS. However, this is done in accordance with their own vision… Dictatorship: Selective or aborted implementation of the reform and transformation agenda initiated by R-ARCSS. Parliament is unable…

The report “Monitoring the Scenarios for South Sudan in 2020: Peace the only thing worth pursuing” updates developments in South Sudan based on a 2016 analysis of five possible scenarios for the country. Written by a group of concerned citizens in South Sudan the report warns that the situation in the country is likely to become even worse unless a genuine, inclusive political process can be started immediately. Download