Entries by BRACED

Calls for accelerated climate action throughout 2019, whether on the streets or in ministerial-level policy discussions, routinely include the demand to support those most vulnerable to climate change and variability. Capacities to cope with climate impacts are lowest in contexts affected by fragility and conflict. It seems logical therefore that climate funds should be directed to these contexts, but the challenges involved, particularly in channelling funds through government systems, have prevented investment at the scale…

Since 2013 South Sudan has been in a protracted crisis brought about by conflict. It is within this context that the UK Aid funded Building Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) programme became operational. BRACED supports building national climate resilience at multiple levels within South Sudan. Climate change is already visible in South Sudan. Farmers, pastoralists, and fishing communities have already noticed increased extreme weather events, increased temperatures, increases in the frequency…